The Amazon Rainforest Plantae Kingdom is vast and full of extraordinary species. In the southamerican jungle we find from poisonous deadly species to fruits with super powers, going through medicinal plants and some others entheogenic used by the shamans in their rituals to connect with the other world.
Amazon Rainforest Plants Facts
From the 18th century to the present day, natural scientists have taken up the task of inventorying the jungle , registering extensive lists of plant and animal species (flora and fauna). Among these, more than 5 thousand species are mentioned.
The species of the Amazon Rainforest Plants have been classified according to their use as shown below:
- medicinal plants ,
- Toxic or poisonous : such as curare , which is used for hunting , and barbasco , which is used for fishing .
- Trees : they are not only timber (used to build houses or boats) but also medicinal, healing, aphrodisiac and even some which bark is edible. For instance:
- Timber : charapilla ( Dipteryx odorata ), cumala ( Virola sp .), pot of monkey ( Lecythis pisonis ), cedar ( Cedrela odarata ), mahogany, rosewood and oak are also common.
- Medicinal: Algarrobo (Hymenea courbaril), Chitato, MajagĂŒito (Muntingia calabura), Clove (Syzygium aromaticum, Eugenia caryophillus), Chuchuhuasa (Maytenus macrocarpa, M. laevis)
- Aphrodisiacs : Cumaceba ( Swartzia polyphylla ), HuacapĂș ( Minquartia guianensis ), and Isula Huayo ( Siparuna guianensis )
- Mythological : The Ceiba or Kapok ( Ceiba pentranda )
- Fruit trees : for whose importance we dedicate a separate section within this article.
- A separate mention deserves the rubber tree whose exploitation caused so much havoc in the indigenous peoples or tribes of the Amazon .
- Plants that serve as a dye: such as achiote ( Bixa orellana ), and jagua ( Genipa americana )
- Additionally, among the species of the flora of the Amazon we also find those that are used to create utensils .
October 5, 2019

Amazon Rainforest Trees: Medicinal | Curatives | Timber | Edible
October 5, 2019

Medicinal plants of the Amazon Rainforest
October 5, 2019

Amazon Rainforest Poisonous Plants
Food species of the Amazonian Plants
Among the food plants, fruit trees stand out.
Amazonian fruits have incredible nutritional potential, they are a source of vitamins, carbohydrates and even proteins.
Some have medicinal properties and many of them are processed and sold in capsules as vitamin supplements today.
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Dragon Fruit Benefits – The healthy power of Pitayas
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Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa)
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7 medicinal fruits of the Amazon Rainforest
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Amazonian fruits – Jungle Fruits and Super Food
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12 reasons why using wituk (Genipa americana)
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Breadfruit Tree (Artocarpus altilis)
One of these promising fruits is the Brazil Nut , whose use could be the key to ending activities that are harmful to the forest.
Among these activities we can mention deforestation (due to the illegal logging industry), mining, monocultures and cattle ranching, to name a few.
On the other hand, although it is true that almost any fruit is medicinal, because by containing vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, fibers and nutrients they serve as preventive medicine, on the other hand there are some fruits that have specific healing properties for certain conditions, they are called medicinal fruits .
The palms of the Amazon
Palms form a very special group in the Amazonian plant kingdom. Some have nicknamed them “princes” others have gone further comparing them to the Tree of Life.
Among them stands out the buriti, moriche or aguaje whose scientific name is Mauritia Flexuosa.
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Acai, asai, asaĂ or açaĂ: a fruit that cures EVERYTHING!
October 20, 2019

Mauritia Flexuosa: “The tree of life” (Buriti or Moriche palm)
October 5, 2019

Types of palm trees in the Amazon Rainforest
This palm, so common in tropical landscapes, has a long list of uses. The Amazonian indigenous peoples of the different regions have found a number of applications for its trunk, its fruit (drupe) and its leaves. Its existence is closely linked to the environmental balance of the forest .
Master plants or ritual plants
Today an Amazonian plant used by shamans has become very common throughout the world, it is ayahuasca .
This is usually combined with others such as chacruna or guayusa depending on the desired effect.
It has been the subject of a number of scientific studies that have identified its psychoactive substances, effects, benefits and benefits.
January 22, 2020

3 scientific studies on ayahuasca
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Amazonian myths and legends about ayahuasca
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Ayahuasca – Rites, myths and truths behind YagĂ© and Chacruna
Medicinal species of the Amazonian flora
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12 reasons why using wituk (Genipa americana)
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Cashew Nut (Anacardium occidentale L.): the memory ally
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Medicinal herbs for diabetes (+20)
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Purple Lantana – Cariaquito or Ayamanchana (Lantana trifolia)
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Sarrapia (Diphysa punctata) origin of a powerful natural anticoagulant.
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