Colombia offers a wide range of spiritual retreats that include among their themes the use of Ayahuasca or Yagé. Options range from one-day sessions to month-long or longer seasons. They are available for all tastes and economic capacities.
Ayahuasca retreats in Bogota
In the department of Cundinamarca there are several options that offer treatment to start new cycles and renew energies. Ayahuasca helps you to control psychosomatic illnesses such as stress, anxiety, depression, anguish, fear, emotional gastritis and general discomfort. Healing encompasses body, mind and heart.
The Yagé Jungle Group, with the help of its Taita, offers you the harmonization of these three elements, opening of consciousness, liberation from negative programming, prevention of illnesses and treatment of existing ones without laboratory drugs. They also include consultations to treat different aspects of mental and spiritual health.
In Cota there are exclusive offers for groups of up to 6 people that offer different therapies ranging from the laying on of hands to the application of various medicines in addition to Yagé, such as kambo, bufo alvarius and Rattlesnake venom. These therapies are recommended for deep healings that require extensive consultations with healers.

Taking yagé in Fusagasuga
In this town belonging to Cundinamarca is located 1 hour and 45 minutes from the city of Bogota, has a retreat guided by Taita Uriel Galeano from Putumayo and who has an experience of 25 years.
They have sessions every month for a maximum of 15 people, offer Yagé twice during the ceremony, meditation practice the next morning, breakfast and optional transportation to Bogota.
Yagé Retreat in Teusaquillo
Located two hours from Bogota, this retreat of ancestral medicine and shamanic spirituality offers short healing plans or long stays of up to 6 months, where you can share the daily routine of a Shaman and obtain the in-depth knowledge that will help us to form ourselves as integral individuals in society.
Topics such as culture, tradition and shamanic spirituality, living in the forest and cooking sacred plants with the shaman and knowledge of Yagé ceremonies will be discussed. The quality of the medicine is guaranteed and all sessions include previous therapeutic work.
With ancestral treatments it is possible to solve up to 69% of current diseases such as cardiovascular, nervous system, fibromyalgia, cancer, menstrual problems, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, anxiety and depression.
Through the shamanic experience, contact is made with the soul of the patients and thus the liberation of bad energies, blockages and suffering is achieved. Throughout the year there is availability to start a path that leads to the harmonization of minds, spirit and emotions.
Ayahuasca intake at La Calera
This retreat is organized by Taita Juan Martin Jamioy in the vicinity of the Colombian capital, a farm houses the participants who wish to free themselves from egos, anger, be a humble and patient person. With the use of Ayahuasca as a means of contrast that allows the body to express its problems in order to achieve its treatment.

In Santander
Alberto José Varela transfers the experience he had been offering in the Putumayo region, offering in addition to the Ayahuasca session, music, various therapies, psychotherapy consultations and walks through the natural environment where participants will have the opportunity to share and exchange their experiences.
The house is located in Barichará in the department of Santander and offers an adequate space to accommodate those interested in performing the inner evolution retreat through the use of Ayahuasca.
In Palomino, Magdalena
Dedicated to those seeking a place of greater exclusivity, we find this retreat near the Caribbean Sea. Wild Spirit Tour organizes this experience in which they offer to find harmony with the earth, access to virgin beaches with a radiant sun with the best marine landscapes where you can have in addition to the Ayahuasca ceremony and temazcal, yoga classes, meditation, breathing workshops and sightseeing tours.
In Villagarzón, Putumayo
The collective Ayahuasca Putumayo has been since 2017 in the search for healing and harmony under the taking of the master plantspromoting the conscious use of Yagé under the tutelage of an experienced Taita like Humberto Díaz, traditional doctor of the Cofán people and disciple of Taita Querubín Queta.
When receiving visitors, they are prepared to ensure that they have the best physical and mental predisposition to achieve the best experience to enrich their spirit and conscience, to understand everything about good living and to heal their heart and soul.
In Sibundoy
In this valley belonging to the department of Putumayo, an area considered the cradle of the Ayahuasca culture in Colombia, is the retreat of Taita Juan Mutunbajoy.
There he receives visitors from all over the world seeking healing and harmony in their lives, the Taita offers the sacred cure for psychological problems such as depression to body ailments such as high blood pressure.
Taita Juan Mutunbajoy belongs to the community of Kamentsa, which receives thousands of visitors each year who seek to heal some physical or spiritual ailment.
Ayahuasca Retreats in Norte de Santander, Santander and Medellín
In these departments there is the work of the itinerant Taitas who visit the cities in need of medicine. Taita Robert Ramos from Putumayo is in charge of organizing retreats to administer the ancestral healing and share with joy, music, harmony, light and love a pleasant experience to all those who wish to do so.
Ayahuasca ceremony. ( Cota. Bogota D.c ). (n/d). Stayhappening.com. Retrieved May 14, 2022, from https://stayhappening.com/e/ceremonia-de-ayahuasca-cota-bogota-dc-E2ISTLSAPG5.
Uribe, C. A. (2008). EL YAJÉ, EL PURGATORIO Y LA FARÁNDULA: YAJÉ, PURGATORY AND SHOWBIZ. Antípoda. Journal of Anthropology and Archaeology, (6), 113-132.
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Ayahuasca Retreat, Yoga & Meditation in Fusagasuga. (2020, October 7). Adrenaline Colombia. https://adrenalinecolombia.com/tours/ayahuasca-experience/
Palomino, Magdalena
Editorial La República S. A. S. (undated). These are the best spiritual retreats to do in the country, from La Guajira to Bogotá. La República newspaper. Retrieved May 14, 2022, from https://www.larepublica.co/ocio/los-mejores-retiros-espirituales-para-hacer-en-el-pais-desde-la-guajira-hasta-bogota-3068283.
Aya, #yahe. (2022, April 24). May 2022 Ayahuasca. Ayahuasca Experiences Colombia. https://ayahuascaexperiencescolombia.com/?fbclid=IwAR3RWRpUrxfO56TZh8zYhTV0mp6jIvJIfABcWlfwCReFQpx8BoBpapXuXVM
Ayahuasca Putumayo – Healing body and spirit in the heart of the jungle. (n/d). Ayahuascaputumayo.com. Retrieved May 14, 2022, from https://ayahuascaputumayo.com/.
La Calera
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Gerson Alvarado, Comunicador Social egresado de la ULA Táchira, Venezuela. Actualmente desempeñando funciones de Comunicador y Reportero Audiovisual. Fotógrafo, Músico y Ciclista. Apasionado por captar imágenes de paisajes y documentar historias.
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